The Trainers of the HEAL project met in Berlin from the 7th till the 9th of December 2022. The aim of the meeting was for the trainers to present the modules they had developed to each other, to teach each other the contents and to show how to facilitate the modules to the learners.
In the last months, the project partners developed the contents of five modules. The modules will address multipliers and have the goal to qualify them to become e-health guides for people who do not use e-health services yet but would benefit from them. The five module include facilitation methods for multipliers (module 1), data privacy and digital health records (module 2), searching and selecting information regarding health (module 3), the interaction with e-health apps for the daily use (module 4), and the communication and connection with a health professional (module 5). Each partner is responsible for the content of one of the modules.
During the three-day training activity in Berlin, the partner presented their modules to the others. The content, structure and the activities were discussed and suggestions were made. The trainers got to know the modules by going through them like participants. This “learning-by-doing” approach made it possible to evaluate the modules regarding their feasibility for the learners.
In 2023, the partners will firstly improve their respective module, then all partners will translate and adapt them to their national contexts. Afterwards the module will be piloted with ten multipliers per country (May / June 2023).